Hi! My Name is

Ken Canavan

I began watercolor painting about five years ago having dabbled in acrylics, stone sculpture and pen and ink over the past decades. My Mom and I embraced art after attending a Vincent Van Gogh exhibit while in the fourth grade. The vivid colors Van Gogh used in his paintings captivated me and have stayed with me ever since.

I started out at Ferris State University seeking a degree in Commercial Art which didn’t go as planned. I recalibrated and began pursuing an Architectural degree at Schoolcraft College but a better opportunity surfaced which led the road to becoming a Die Designer. This was good from the standpoint that I still was using a pencil and getting paid.

Watercolors really do it for me. I love mixing colors on paper rather than on a pallet. This is due to the effects one can create using water, paint and gravity or no gravity. Watercolor gives by its nature – light and shadows.

I learned to paint from books and watching videos and YouTube demonstrations and of course, by painting. Participating in an Iain Steward watercolor workshop in 2017 was instrumental. Iain is a world famous, highly regarded watercolor artist.

I have found Arches 300 cold press paper, Daniel Smith watercolor paint and Escoda brushes work best for my techniques.